Vision Gallery | Training For Change

Vision Gallery


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Training Tool
  • To stretch people’s imaginations in envisioning the kind of society they would like to create, going beyond vague values to specific features.
  • To facilitate a group’s development of a common vision and clarify the values its members share.
  • To help people discover their own ideas and how much vision they have in common with others.
Materials: Large sheets of newsprint or construction paper, lots of markers or crayons, masking tape, and smooth floor or table space.
How to Lead

1. Select a topic, specific or general. People may want to work on many features of their vision simultaneously, such as government, defense, economic system, family structure and recreation; or they can focus on a specific question like “What might this community look like ten years from now if really good changes kept happening? what would my life look like? What would schools be like?” or “How will people defend themselves and/or their values?” Encourage each other to think creatively. Assume no constraints on money or power.

2. Questions could be brainstormed at the beginning to trigger visionary thinking. Questions helpful to student reformers/revolutionaries might be: What would the goals of the “school” be? What kinds of decsion-making processes would exist? How would learning take place? What kinds of social relationships would exist? What roles would students, faculty, administrators play? How would the physical plant be used?

3. For 15-20 minutes, individuals spend time alone, sketching their personal visions by writing, outlining, diagramming or drawing.

4. The next 30-45 minutes are spent in small clusters of 3-6 people, pooling their visions and expressing a common one on a large sheet of paper.

5. Each small group posts its composite utopia on the wall in the main meeting room, creating a “vision gallery”. Participants look, compare, discuss and question, informally. (15-20 minutes)

6. The total group gathers to discuss what they noticed. Questions to consider about process are: What are the areas of agreement revealed in the visions? What areas need the most work in developing a viable alternative to the status quo? What concepts do individuals agree or disagree with?

If the group is an organization which might propose a vision as part of its campaign for change, the facilitator can encourage those most motivated to find each other and create a task force to pull the common ideas together, back them up with research, and present them to a constituency or as demands to power holders.

Where This Tool Comes From

Adapted by George Lakey from Resource Manual for a Living Revolution, by Virginia Coover, Ellen Deacon, Charles Esser, and Christopher Moore, published by New Society Publishers and now out of print.

How to Use Online…

You can do a vision gallery or other gallery tour in online meetings and trainings, too!

Follow the instructions above to have people journal on their own, then work in breakout groups. For breakouts, give each group a blank page or slide in a collaborative online document, where they can type, draw, paste pictures, etc. Paste links in the chat, making sure everyone can access the document and understands the breakout instructions. During the breakouts, monitor groups’ progress in the slides, and visit any rooms that might need support.

For the ‘vision gallery’ after returning to the main group, paste a link to the document with all the vision, in the chat. Invite participants to review the slides at their own pace. At the same time, screenshare each vision for a couple minutes, so people can watch, if they prefer. In a very large group, it may work better to only screenshare the slides.  As people look through the visions, you can invite them to comment in the chat box or out loud. 


  • Have a co-facilitator or tech person assist with documents and breakouts.
  • Very large groups may need separate documents. For smaller groups (generally up to 30, though it varies by tool), you can use a single slideshow or document, with groups assigned to particular slides or pages, without lagging or site crashing. But if the group is very large, it might require separate documents; for the gallery tour, you’ll need to combine their work into one place for screen sharing. 
  • Take a break between small group work and the gallery tour if you need time to combine different documents into one for the gallery tour.
  • Play music during the gallery tour to set the tone and keep the energy up.