This symbol indicates an upcoming workshop

Visual Strategy Intensive
facilitated by Look Loud, hosting support by Training for Change

Applications closed.
This training is a deep dive into the practical mechanics and theory of how visuals help our movements build power. Using visuals strategically is multi-facetted, requiring messaging development, fabrication, action staging, and documentation – as well as skillful facilitation to connect each step. Robust visual strategy provides connective tissue between any movement or campaign’s organizing and communications strategy, and has huge potential for leadership development, media access, fundraising, and so much more – but there are very few spaces available to hone the craft of developing comprehensive, rigorous visual strategy.
This weeklong training is aimed at building the rapport and shared vocabulary required to deepen the visual strategy community of practice, across movements and struggles. Workshop days will include a mix of study, discussion, and hands-on art making. Participants will be invited to try on new technical skills in the context of key strategy principles. This workshop is facilitated by Look Loud (Josh Yoder & Rachel Schragis), drawing from lessons and stories across 15 years of visual strategy work. It stitches together training curricula developed in movement contexts, into a weeklong masterclass for the first time. Learn more about Look Loud.
The training will include a wide mix of slide talks, storytelling, group discussions, and hands-on practice of every stage of development of visuals.

Workshop facilitators Rachel Schragis and Josh Yoder from Look Loud
As a participant, you will hone your skills in
- Developing slogans & visual motifs
- Fabricating banners, signs and props using painting and stencils
- Facilitating collaborative design processes and community-based art making
- Assessing and articulating strategic impact of our visual choices
- Staging and documenting rallies, marches, sit-ins, and community events
- Integrating visuals into campaign planning: including basebuilding, communications strategy and social media plans.
Who should apply?
This workshop is designed for applicants who are actively involved with a movement organization or community group – and are interested in facilitating messaging brainstorms, designing signs and banners, organizing the hands-on painting of those props, and coordinating how this work connects to the rest of a campaign or action.
This workshop is appropriate for people of all skill levels. It is ideal for people who are already holding some of these roles in their communities, and are looking to broaden their skillsets and build a community of peers. If you’re not sure if this workshop is right for you, feel free to be in touch before you submit an application! You can either contact Training For Change, or reach out to Rachel and Josh directly at
For a less time-intensive opportunity to build your skills in visuals as they relate to campaign planning and communications (without hands-on practice and skill building), check out the online workshop “Visual Strategy: Looking and Feeling Our Power,” on April 11th or May 8th.
Workshop format
- Arrival Sunday April 20th: evening arrival with optional dinner provided
- Days 1-4: Training and practice sessions 9am-9pm (breakfast offered before session, lunch and dinner provided)
- Day 5: Training 9am-3pm (breakfast offered before session, lunch provided)
This is a participatory, practice-based workshop that will include slideshows, storytelling, technical demonstrations, group discussions, and self-directed practice sessions. Most days will follow a format of study together during the day, and cranking up the music while we make art together at night. This is a fun and rigorous workshop, as participants stretch themselves and try on a variety of new technical skills in the context of more abstract questions and ideas. We will provide short and extended breaks within our agenda, including breaks during meal times, and encourage participants to take care of themselves so that they can stay fully present. Please contact us in advance if you have questions about the hours or format of this workshop.
The workshop is designed as an experiential package with each session building on the previous one. To create the best learning environment possible, we do not allow partial attendance – you must commit to take the entire workshop. (Exceptions will be made for applicants whose observance of Easter precludes travel on Sunday April 20th.)
How much does it cost?
This workshop has a sliding scale fee of $150-$2,000 based on ability to pay. This fee covers lodging, meals, trainer time, and materials. Full scholarships, as well as childcare stipends, are also available on a needs-basis.
Childcare and Workshop Accessibility
The workshop can include days as long as 12 hours, with short and long breaks throughout.
The format is highly participatory, including movement-based activities which may involve jumping, walking, stretching, or lifting your arms over your head. We aim to adjust activities as needed to meet the needs of the participants, and encourage you to note in your application if you have mobility-related access needs.
This workshop will take place at a retreat center where buildings can be a 5-10 minute walk apart, and participants should anticipate having to walk across campus for meals. Seating is typically standard conference-center style chairs, and lighting is typically bright overhead lighting. Please let us know in your application if you have seating accessibility requests.
The venue is wheelchair accessible for smaller wheelchairs. If you have a larger wheelchair and have access questions, please contact us directly.
We don’t share full agendas before the workshop but if you have questions about the workshop format that will help you maximize your learning please let us know.
We have limited cash stipends available for parents and caregivers arranging care back home, to make the workshop more accessible. Stipends are offered on an as-needed basis.
What are the COVID protocols?
This is an in-person training. Our COVID protocols are as follows. If you have questions about these protocols, please contact us.
Vaccination: Although strongly encouraged, COVID-19 vaccination is not required to attend this workshop. Some participants may not have received vaccination prior to the workshop.
Masks: Mask-wearing is not mandated during this workshop. We encourage and support voluntary mask-wearing, but it is not required, unless there is a known exposure during the workshop. We ask that everyone wear a mask during their travel to the workshop.
Testing: All participants and trainers will be asked to rapid test each day before the training begins. Rapid tests will be provided.
Air Circulation and Filtration: The workshop will be held in spacious hall with high ceilings, and will utilize a filtration system to minimize covid transmission. Details of air purification technologies provided upon request. Weather provided, we will leave windows open.
Other Protocol: If someone learns during the workshop that they’ve had exposure (i.e. family member back home tests positive), we will disclose this to the group. They will be asked to show proof of a negative rapid test each day, before attending this workshop. If a workshop participant tests positive or experiences symptoms during the workshop, they will not be permitted back into the workshop. We will disclose to the group, offer a fee refund and offer reasonable support around travel back home or quarantine. If someone tests positive for covid or experiences symptoms within 14 days after the workshop, we will share this information with all participants so they can determine if they need to get tested or take other measures. If the workshop is canceled for all participants due to COVID-19 exposure or risk, we will offer a refund for participant fees.