Visual Strategy: Looking & Feeling Our Power (with Look Loud) | Training For Change

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Visual Strategy: Looking & Feeling Our Power

Offered in partnership with Look Loud


Visual Strategy: Looking & Feeling Our Power (with Look Loud)

ONLINE (waitlist) - April 11, 2025 - 3-5PM US Eastern Time


Visual Strategy: Looking & Feeling Our Power (with Look Loud)

ONLINE - May 8, 2025 - 6-8PM US Eastern Time

This workshop breaks down different ways movements generate powerful imagery. We’ll show how strategic thinking about visuals can help us meet our long term organizing goals, and how to plan campaigns that consistently produce powerful images. Drawing on stories from many organizing contexts, participants will get tips for telling precise and powerful stories in the street, how to make signs and banners that translate our narratives into short, punchy phrases, and explore how to make our demonstrations feel more natural and inviting.

Length: 2 hours, online



Look Loud’s work: Banner making for Not Another Bomb actions across the country; March to End Fossil Fuels; Firelands campaign launch; Siembra NC’s wage theft campaign.


  • Articulate what visuals most benefit your campaign strategy and begin to develop a visuals plan to match your strategy
  • Create a plan to generate visual content as the foundation for strong communications and social media work
  • Have new tools to tell a bolder story in the street, maximizing threat to power and making actions more welcoming and joyful


We offer the following sliding scale fee options:

$0, full scholarship

Our sliding scale honors different abilities to pay and helps us compensate trainers, coordinators, and accessibility providers fairly. The true cost to attend this workshop is $150. We ask organizations and individuals with large budgets to pay at the higher rates to keep the workshop accessible to all. We acknowledge the different costs and considerations around your attendance, including childcare/caregiving, time away from paid work, and more, and we offer lower fee options to support your attendance. You'll need to pay by credit card when registering online. If you prefer to pay without a credit card, please contact us before registering.


This is a training for volunteer and staff members who hold organizing and/or communications roles in their work – it is primarily designed for “non-artists” but is also relevant to designers and cultural producers of all kinds who are looking to hone their ability to use their skills strategically in service of organizing.


This is an interactive online training using the Zoom platform. Come prepared to participate fully, just as you would an in-person training. Please try to connect from a quiet place on a computer with headphones. A computer with a webcam and high-speed internet are recommended to get the most out of the training.

Details for how to connect will be sent prior to the training. The training will include follow-up resources you can use after, including handouts and a recording.


This training will take place online in the Zoom meetings platform. Our trainings offer multiple ways to engage in activities and we do our best to apply best practices in visual accessibility on our slides and handouts including using high contrast and alt text. Closed captioning, sign language interpretation, and advanced copies of the slides are offered if requests are received up to 1 week before the training. 

If there is anything else that would make this training more accessible to you, please email us directly or make a note in your registration form.

For more information, please contact us.