Intro to Facilitating Online Meetings | Training For Change

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Intro to Facilitating Online Meetings

How to engage your group and make better decisions in remote meetings

A strong team communicates effectively, builds trust in the face of challenges, and makes thoughtful decisions to advance its goals, while being inclusive of all voices. Unfortunately, online meetings can become boring or stagnant, hiding group and power dynamics and limiting a team’s ability to achieve its goals. 

This introductory workshop offers experiential tools and techniques to facilitate online team meetings that support trust-building, effective decision-making and engagement of all members, regardless of technology and budget.

Length: 2 hours



We offer the following sliding scale fee options:

$0, full scholarship

Our sliding scale honors different abilities to pay and helps us compensate trainers, coordinators, and accessibility providers fairly. The true cost to attend this workshop is $150. We ask organizations and individuals with large budgets to pay at the higher rates to keep the workshop accessible to all. We acknowledge the different costs and considerations around your attendance, including childcare/caregiving, time away from paid work, and more, and we offer lower fee options to support your attendance. You'll need to pay by credit card when registering online. If you prefer to pay without a credit card, please contact us before registering.


  • Recognize key challenges to engagement and inclusion in remote meetings and how to prepare for them.
  • Acquire tools for effective and inclusive decision-making and communication in remote teams that you can apply immediately.
  • Recognize how your face-to-face facilitation, communication and problem-solving techniques can be applied online.


People whose rely on technology to build their teams remotely and want to increase their effectivity using interactive and experiential tools. This is an introductory training. We welcome a range of experiences – from beginner online facilitators to those with more experience. Some face-to-face facilitation experience is helpful for this training.


This is an interactive online training using the Zoom platform. Come prepared to participate fully, just as you would an in-person training. Please try to connect from a quiet place on a computer with headphones. A computer with a webcam and high-speed internet are recommended to get the most out of the training.

Details for how to connect will be sent prior to the training. The training will include follow-up resources you can use after. We’ll cover tech strategies that apply across software options, but for training on specific software, individual coaching is recommended.


This training will take place online in the Zoom meetings platform. Our trainings offer multiple ways to engage in activities and we do our best to apply best practices in visual accessibility on our slides and handouts including using high contrast and alt text. Closed captioning, sign language interpretation, and advanced copies of the slides are offered if requests are received up to 1 week before the training. 

If there is anything else that would make this training more accessible to you, please email us directly or make a note in your registration form.


Attendees are eligible for post-workshop coaching sessions. We’ve found that follow-up coaching maximizes lessons learned, so we’ve dedicated capacity to support integration of new skills and tools back home.

We offer hourly individual and small group coaching around your specific needs. For example, you could use sessions for support choosing online platforms, evaluating online trainings, designing hybrid programs, preparing for an upcoming online meeting, learning Zoom features, etc. Attendees can request coaching, here, after the workshop.


For more information, please contact us.

Bring this workshop to your group

We can offer this workshop on a contract basis to your organization for groups of 10-20 participants.

We are also available for coaching and custom workshops on online facilitation topics.