Partner With Us | Training For Change

Partner With TFC

We partner with organizations on private workshops, coaching, and group facilitation, in-person and online. Our trainers are based across the U.S. and often travel for movement support. We offer both standard and custom designed curriculum, rooted in our experiential approach, prioritizing grassroots movement partners building power for social justice. We accept inquiries quarterly, aiming to establish partnerships 4-6 months in advance, but also reserve limited availability for more urgent requests. Read below for more info and for our interest form. 

Craft of Campaigns Season 2

What We Offer

Our trainers offer a wide range of skill trainings, coaching, and facilitation, pulling from decades of movement experience, field-tested curriculum, and a capacity-building approach toward movement support. We leverage tools and curriculum from TFC’s programs and our broad community of practice. Here’s a sampling of what we offer; please reach out to learn more about what we offer and if we’re a good fit for partnership.

Training & Facilitation Skills

Training for Trainers Workshops
Coaching for Trainer Development
Curriculum Design
Online Facilitation & Training Skills
Remixing Curriculum for Online

Organizing Skills & Strategy

Intro to Organizing
Organizing Conversations
Base-building Meetings
Issue-Based Campaign Strategy
Building Strong Teams

Group Facilitation

“Third-Party” Facilitation
Navigating Conflict
Strategy & Planning Retreats
Coaching Facilitators & Leaders
Group Culture Shifting

How to Apply

We accept applications and establish partnerships four times per year, aiming to plan 4-6 months in advance.

Application Deadlines:

–  March 1 (for partnerships starting July)
–  June 1 (for partnerships starting October)
–  October 1 (for partnerships starting January)
–  December 1 (for partnerships starting April)

How it works:

1. Submit an interest form with an overview of your request
2. If we’re a good fit, we’ll share the full application form
3. Submit your application before the next deadline
4. We’ll follow up asap about next steps

We make partnership decisions after each quarterly deadline, balancing considerations around trainer availability, content area, and budget. We often can’t accept every application, but aim to connect you with peer training organizations who might be available.

For smaller or more urgent requests (less than 4 months in advance), please contact us directly. We may be available, but trainer calendars often fill up.


We offer sliding scale fees across all our work, from pro bono to professional rates, honoring different abilities to pay and to compensate our trainers and staff fairly. We ask organizations with larger budgets to pay at higher rates to keep our work accessible to all. Please contact us if you have questions about rates before you apply.


Who We Work With

We prioritize organizations building social justice movements toward transformative change, across community, labor, and electoral contexts. We work with scrappy, local grassroots groups and established, national formations. We prioritize organizers and movement trainers/facilitators working to resist racism, patriarchy, and ecological collapse; expand multiracial democracy; and win a just economy beyond capitalism. We partner less with social service providers, government agencies, higher education institutions, and individuals unaffiliated with an organization, campaign, or coalition.

Any Questions? Please contact us directly.