Spanish | Training For Change


Games TopicGames & EnergizersOnline Facilitation ToolsTeam Building & DiversityTraining & Facilitation Fundamentals LanguageEnglishSpanish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD - EN DOWNLOAD - ES The following are a number of games (also known as ice breakers)...

Closing Circles

Closing Circles TopicEnergizers & GamesMeeting FacilitationOnline Training ToolsTeam Building LanguageEnglishSpanish WorkshopsTraining for Social Action Trainers TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD - EN DOWNLOAD - ES Looking for fresh ideas for your closing circles? Here...

The Big Wind Blows

The Big Wind Blows TopicGames & EnergizersTeam Building & DiversityTraining & Facilitation Fundamentals TypeTraining Tool WorkshopsTraining for Social Action Trainers LanguageEnglishSpanish DOWNLOAD - EN DOWNLOAD - ES Goals To invite risk-taking around...

Tornado Warning: Four Roles of Social Change

Tornado Warning: Four Roles of Social Change TopicOrganizing, Action, StrategyTeam Building & Diversity LanguageEnglishSpanish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD - EN (TORNADO WARNING INSTRUCTIONS) DOWNLOAD - ES DOWNLOAD - EN (FOUR ROLES IN SOCIAL CHANGE) Goal: Here’s a...

Team Types

Team Types TopicTeam Building & DiversityTraining & Facilitation Fundamentals LanguageEnglishSpanish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD - EN DOWNLOAD - ES Goals give participants an opportunity for self-reflection on behavior and type help participants work together...