English | Training For Change

Do More with an Agenda Review

Do More with an Agenda Review TopicMeeting Facilitation LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD by Daniel Hunter Most agenda reviews are a ritualized reading of a written agenda.  It may take as little as five minutes (or less!), with a few logistical questions. ...

The Learning is in the Details

The Learning is in the Details TopicTraining Fundamentals LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD by Katey Lauer with edits and contributions by Zein Nakhoda Increasingly, trainers are inviting participants to take active roles in trainings, having keyed into the limits...

Tips for White Trainers Leading Multi-Racial Groups

Tips for White Trainers Leading Multi-Racial Groups TopicDiversity & Anti-Oppression LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD In multi-racial workshops I’ve led, activists are struggling with how to organize within an extremely tense environment. White people are...

Training after Tough News

Training after Tough News TopicOrganizing, Action, Strategy LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD Written in 2016 Recent events, from major political set-backs to police violence against Black civilians and Indigenous water protectors at Standing Rock, have many of us...